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Wind/Hail Claims

​Oklahomans are no strangers to wind and hail claims. In fact, storm claims cause millions of dollars in damages every year. 

Typically, many insurance policies only allow you to file for a wind claim or a hail claim. This is vital to understand before filing a claim because if you file a claim for wind, all hail damage may be considered a second claim. This could leave policy holders with either two separate claims and deductibles for each, or with only one half of the damages covered.

Having accurate advice based on an assessment of your policy and the damages could be crucial prior to filing your claim. It could mean the difference between a full roof and gutter replacement or a check for a few thousand dollars.

Have someone you trust inspect the damages so that you are properly prepared. Our adjusters are trained to inspect roofs and homes for these types of damages and will advise the best direction for your insurance claim. 

Ask our Adjusters for a Free Consultation

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